Curriculum Vitae of Julia Heinen

Also see my Google Scholar profile for an up-to-date publication list.

Publications (2023)

Scientific publications:

Heinen, J.H., Florens, F.B.V., Baider, C., Hume, J.P., Kissling, W.D., Whittaker, R.J., Rahbek, C., Borregaard, M.K. (2023). Novel plant–frugivore network on Mauritius is unlikely to compensate for the extinction of seed dispersers. Nature Communications 14, 1019.

Heinen, J. H., Rahbek, C., & Borregaard, M. K. (2020). Conservation of species interactions to achieve self-sustaining ecosystems. Ecography 43(11), 1603-1611.

Heinen, J. H., van Loon, E. E., Hansen, D. M., & Kissling, W. D. (2018). Extinction-driven changes in frugivore communities on oceanic islands. Ecography41(8), 1245-1255.

Published databases:

Heinen, J. H., van Loon, E. E., Hansen, D. M., & Kissling, W. D. (2018). Data from: Extinction-driven changes in frugivore communities on oceanic islands. Dryad Database Repository

Cover photo:

Cover photo Ecography August 2018 by Dennis Hansen, related to publication Heinen et al. 2018.

Popular scientific publications:

Heinen, J.H. (2019) Daily life of the Dodo – tales from a 12,000 year old swamp full of bones.–tales-from-a-12000-year-old-swamp-full-of-bones/1595916 

Heinen, J.H. (2019) Fortællinger fra en 12.000 år gammel sump: Sådan levede dronten. Forskerzonen

Heinen, J.H. (2018) Gør det egentlig noget, at et dyr uddør? Forskerzonen,

Heinen, J.H. (2018) Does it really matter if one animal goes extinct?

Heinen, J.H. & Kissling, W.D. (2017) Downsizing insular frugivore communities. Ecography Blog Post

Heinen, J.H. (2017) Island extinctions. Amsterdam Science Magazine. page 4.

Article about my research by other author:

GrrlScientist (2018) Does it really matter if only one species goes extinct?

Interview about my contribution to a paper:

Ryan Mandelbaum (2019) This bird went extinct then evolution recreated it.